
A man and two children sitting on the couch

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Green Vegetables at Every Meal

Nothing quite compares to a parent’s battle at the dinner table. On one side, you’ve got a parent desperate to get their kids to eat green vegetables. On the other side, there’s a kid armed with all the stubborn willpower of two large armies.

A teddy bear sitting on the floor in front of a bed.

7 Health Tips That Will Help Single Mothers Become Better Parents

Raising a child is a difficult task even in the best circumstances, but doing so for single mothers without the help of the father makes it a monumental task no matter how great your parenting skills. Being a single parent adds stress and fatigue to raising your child.

A pizza and salad are on the table.

The Best Pho Recipe

If you’ve somehow never tried pho, you’re in for a treat. It’s a cozy, beefy, aggressively spiced soup that is also light, fresh, and bright at the same time

A close up of some ice cream on a stick

This japanese take on crème flan will blow your mind.

Purin is a Japanese take on crème caramel, also known as flan, caramel custard, egg pudding, or caramel pudding. Essentially it’s a gently cooked custard dessert made from eggs, milk, and sugar, with a layer of clear caramel sauce on top.

A woman is holding on to her arm

True Skin Mineral Loose Powder

There’s just one shade, transparent, which fits my skin, but I don’t know if it may end up ashy on darker ones. This comes in a great packaging with a swivel system that keeps the powder tightly shut.


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